QLD Premier Cricket's Female Action Plan: Debut Season Success

The initial season of Queensland Cricket’s Premier Cricket Female Action Plan has provided an ideal launch pad towards meeting its 2027 targets.

The Action Plan was created and launched at the start of the 2023-24 season to assist with delivering the overarching Premier Cricket Strategy for Queensland Cricket.

Nick Stuart, Head of Premier Cricket, Integrity & Projects for QC, said the most obvious initiative in the initial stage of the Action Plan was to develop a women’s KFC T20 Max competition to align with the men’s competition at the start of the season.

“Our aim with bringing the two competitions into line was to ensure we created an environment to enable our female cricketers to enjoy the same timing advantages as their male counterparts, attracting elite players across Australia.”

“The post competition survey confirmed that we had achieved our ambition to provide players with the strongest T20 competition in Australia outside of the WBBL.”

“That was the most visible and encouraging outcome, but there were other success stories. We tripled funding for Premier Club’s women and girls’ coaches, assisting female coach development and supporting the development of our future Fire and Heat players.

“Allied to that, we increased the median age of our first-grade players from 18 to 18 and a half years old through working with Premier Clubs to provide better experiences and retain players in the game.”

“It was very encouraging to have our post season survey return an increase of seven percent in female participant satisfaction level to 95%. That says it all really when it comes to this important aspect of our Premier Cricket Strategy.”

Queensland Cricket Chair Kirsten Pike congratulated the Premier Clubs for embracing the Action Plan and delivering on the many improvements created through its introduction.

“We aim to have our Premier Cricket competition be Australia’s leading pathway for aspiring and current elite cricketers, specifically for our female competitions and participants,’’ she said.

“The continuing roll out of the Action Plan between now and 2027 will help with strengthening the depth and quality of the competitions, and the strong players satisfaction scores demonstrate the benefit of improving club and competition experiences for our women and girls.

To experience the Premier Cricket Female Action plan in its entirety, click here

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